WildCheff has some knowledge transfer ideas as it relates to recipes.
First of all, written recipes are a guideline and open to interpretation. While the primary ingredients and methodology applies, you always have to put yourself into the recipe. That may cause you to alter an ingredient or make minor changes that help make the recipe your own.
While the Chef recommends trying his version first, you can adjust seasonings, etc to your liking in future cooking sessions.
That brings us to our second thought. WildCheff has been teaching what he calls "The Goldilocks Theory of Cooking" for three decades. Every individual has their own sensitivity to their palate, and that determines how much spice you apply to every recipe. For some, you could barely put any spice in a recipe and that is perfect for you. For others, you like the extreme side of things and crave flavor, while others like it somewhere in between.
In the end, you have to enjoy what you eat. The key is that you use seasonings that are natural and preservative-free. This will greatly improve the taste of your recipes and that is where WildCheff culinary products shine!
The recipes listed on this site are signature WildCheff and if you follow them, you will enjoy what others who have been fortunate enough to taste WildCheff's food have discovered - a one-of-a-kind flavor that will get you jazzed about cooking and eating in a whole new way!
Bon Appetit!