Life is a journey of Adventures. Join WildCheff with some of his.
Bear hunting is certainly an adventure. They are highly intelligent and weary. One of the most challenging game animals to hunt. The Chef has high respect for these “ghosts of the woods”.
They are but one sustainable food resource that brings nourishment from the wild.
WildCheff looks forward to this hunt every year, as it is always filled with anticipation, sharing the forest with these illusive omnivores.
Moose hunting is a very unique adventure. These monarchs of the woods are majestic to observe in their natural environment deep within the wilderness.
Having hunted moose in Maine on numerous occasions, Chef has developed a special connection with these magnificent creatures.
They also make tremendous table fare.
While every moose hunt is valued by WildCheff, two of his most memorable hunts are harvesting his 51-½” bull, that was the 15th largest moose in Maine, and when he was able to share an experience with his teenage daughter’s hunt, where she harvested her first quality 40” bull.
Wild turkey hunting adventures are a compelling and delicious way to pursue your food in God’s grocery store! With a natural diet from the wild, they are the cleanest tasting turkey meat you will taste.
Turkey can be unpredictable. They utilize tremendous vision to weave their way through a variety of landscapes, always on the lookout for escaping at a moment’s notice.
WildCheff is drawn to his generational native history, and the colonial history of our country. One of his most memorable turkey hunts was when he harvested what he calls his “Pilgrim” bird in Plymouth, MA, where the pilgrims landed.
Whitetail hunting has been a 40+ year adventure for WildCheff.
Chef views this type of hunting as a significant way to hone your skills as a hunter. Discovering the natural habits of deer and strategizing a plan for bringing venison to the table is just one way that Chef connects with nature.
Visual observations of nature coming to life at daylight, learning patience, and time spent within Chef’s hunting circle; whitetail hunting is always high on WildCheff’s list of yearly hunting traditions.
Fishing is always an adventure for WildCheff.
The Chef’s favorite method is flyfishing, as he enjoys the experience of catching fish in a manner that brings his activity close to nature. The art of casting and working a fly on the water entices the fish creates a closer connection with what is harvested.
Chef has a special bond with the woods and water when he goes fishing in a natural mountainous stream atmosphere.
As a New England Native, coastal adventures that the Chef involve the smell of the ocean air, the magnificence of a powerful body of water, and the bounty of succulent fish that the ocean can provide.